The conservatives may win the presidency, both houses, and a filibuster proof senate in 08. I base this on the gravely miscalculation of big liberal media and liberal politicians. These two groups think the polls concerning the Iraq war is in line with their own unpatriotic and shallow views. They are wrong, the problem with the general public is it is uninformed and dependent minded.
This comes from years of big government handouts and liberal propaganda 24-7. The American public is the most religious and conservative people in the industrialized world. To an informed person it is obvious that liberals are good and decent people, but they are shallow and mostly irresponsible. They tend to have the gift of gab and are experts at shifting and placing blame. So, with an uninformed general public the flamboyant and smooth talkers with their "Course of least resistance" will ante up the survival of this great nation for personal power.
Lets just say, we pull out of Iraq and bring the troops home. What the hell do you think the irresponsible liberal media and liberal politicians think will happen? Huh, think, they haven’t thought it through because they are in denial and feel we will cross that bridge when we get to it. God help us, with 300 millions mouths to feed and we have irresponsible people risking the survival of this whole nation without thinking things through.
A responsible person knows that if we don’t get our sixty percent overseas oil supplies the eighteen wheelers don’t roll, and no amount of wishful thinking or shifted blame is going to fill empty bellies. Big liberal media will never inform the American general public what I’ve just told you. That region over there contains about one third of the world's supply of oil. Even if no one takes me serious or believe anything I say I believe I’m right about my concerns. Amen.
CULTURE: USA culture is becoming a joke. Run-a-way crime is a symptom of a weak failed culture. The USA can't be saved without first saving its culture, period. And its culture can't be saved without first giving the USA economy back its free floating wage and price purging power societal discipline, by repealing the arch-evil 1938 Federal Minimum Wage Law, only that can save the USA from total doom at this late stage. Freddie L Sirmans' Log: 17 January 2022, 2239 Hours